2007 Championships

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At the 2006 annual meeting, the board decided to change the scoring system for the club championship. The guidelines are:

  1. Only individuals can be ranked.

  2. Juniors can compete on orange, green, or red; everyone else can compete on red or green.

  3. The six highest scores for the season are counted for each runner.

  4. Members must sign up for the championship rankings and select a course.

  5. The new scoring system for 2007 is: The first place finish on each course is worth 20 points, the second place 19, and so. Only club members registered for the championship actually receive points. The points allocated to finishers who are not signed up or not running as individuals are discarded.


  Name Total
Junior Female (Orange course)
Junior Male (Orange course)
Female (Green course)
1. Lisa McNerney 13 16               29
2. Tracy Hixon 16 12               28
3. Krista Pospisil 18                 18
Male (Green course)
1. Chris Birks 14 18               32
2. Nick Preys   17               17
3. Clark Maxfield 12                 12
4. Bob Dittrich 11                 11
Female (Red course)
1. Kathy Bullard   14               14
2. Natalia Babeti 14                 14
Male (Red course)
1. Valentas Totoris 16 19               35
2. Michael Collins 13 17               30
3. Maricel Olaru 20                 20
4. Jeff Shaw   18               18
5. Charlie Shahbazian 17                 17
6. Kristijonaas Sabataitis 12                 12
7. Paul Henke   11               11
8. Jeff Porter 7                 7
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